
Household Refuse Collection

Councils waste contractor, Avon Waste collects kerbside ‘wheelie bins’ early Tuesday mornings. Damaged bins or new services etc. are to be reported to the Shire Office who will make appropriate arrangements with Avon Waste.

Rubbish bins are picked up every Tuesday. Please ensure bins are out by 6 am.

Recycling bins are picked up fortnightly (every other Tuesday).

  • Please ensure that you only place truly recyclable items in the yellow-lidded bin.
  • This does not include possibly re-usable items such as crockery, clothing, household goods or wooden items.
  • It also does not include compostable items such as grass clippings, household scraps, leaves or sticks. 
  • Dangerous items such as used nappies or sharps must never be placed in a recycling bin!
  • If you collect your recyclable items in a plastic bag, please do not add the bag to the yellow-lidded bin. Tip all the items out of any bag that you've collected them in, and let them fall into the bin, then put the bag in your general rubbish bin. If you put a plastic bag full of recyclable items into the yellow-lidded bin, none of it will be recycled, due to Occupational Health & Safety Standards.

Click here for a schedule of recycling bin pickup days 2021 / 2022.

Click here for a flyer of what can and can't be recycled.


In addition to a drop-off point at the Transfer Station, recycling can be dropped off in town, into bulk bins located beside the Shire Depot on William St. 

The same items that go into the kerbside yellow-top bins are accepted - see the above link for a flyer of what can be recycled.